Wednesday, August 5, 2015

java.lang.RuntimeException: ConfigurationManagerImpl disabled : Adobe CQ5/Adobe AEM 6.1

java.lang.RuntimeException: ConfigurationManagerImpl disabled : Adobe CQ5/Adobe AEM 6.1

We are receiving the the following exception after upgrading Adobe CQ5/Adobe AEM 5.6.1 to Adobe CQ5/Adobe AEM 6.1. service: Uncaught SlingException - java.lang.RuntimeException: ConfigurationManagerImpl disabled

Because of this the components are not able fetch the configuration details and failed to render.

The root cause of the issue is ConfigurationManagerImpl OSGI component is not enabled(default it will be disabled for security).

The issue got resolved after enabling the same.

The following steps can be followed to enable ConfigurationManagerImpl.

Login to system console - http://localhost:4502/system/console/components
Search for ConfigurationManagerImpl

Click on configure
Select Enabled and Save the configuration.