Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How to integrate AEM with Magento e-Commerce platform through CIF framework

How to integrate AEM with Magento e-Commerce platform through CIF framework

This video explains how to integrate AEM with Magento e-Commerce platform through CIF framework

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How to use Content Fragment to manage the Copyright Claimer Message in AEM?

How to use Content Fragment to manage the Copyright Claimer Message in AEM?

This video explains How to use Content Fragment to manage the Copyright Claimer Message in AEM

Saturday, December 7, 2019

How to test email functionalities in AEM Development/Local Environment?

How to test email functionalities in AEM Development/Local Environment?

This video explains How to test email functionalities in AEM Development/Local Environment?

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

How to share the Wireless Network Connection with Hyper-V in Windows 10?

I was trying to configure Hyper-V virtual machine with RedHat Linux in my windows 10 laptop and encountering some issues. This blog explain the steps followed to share the Wireless Network Connection with Hyper-V and RedHat Linux in Windows 10

Ensure the system is connected to Wireless Network

Turn Off the Virtual Machine

Click on "Virtual Switch Manager"
Click on "new virtual network switch" and Select External as type


Enter a name and select the wireless adapter from the list
Click on Apply and OK


Start and Connect to the virtual machine

Login to the user account


Click on the Network icon and further click on the Connect


Now you will be able to connect to the network


To connect automatically on login

Click on "Wired Settings" 


Click on Settings


Select "Connect Automatically" and Apply


Now the network will be connected automatically on login - the wireless network on the system should be connected