
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Migrating the BAM objects across environments with the ANT script – Oracle BAM 11g

Migrating the BAM objects across environments with the ANT script – Oracle BAM 11g

This post explains how to use the ANT script to migrate the Oracle BAM objects across the environments.The script can be run remotely from the client machine or from the server machine.
  • Create a folder BAMConfig and create two sub folders BAMObjects and config inside the BAMConfig folder
  • Copy the BAMICommandConfig.xml from $ORACLE_HOME/bam/config folder of the server to the config folder created in the above step.
  • Add the default user name and the password to the BAMICommandConfig.xml file

         Also verify the ADCServerPort - the BAM Server http listening port and   ADCServerName -  BAM Server host name properties.

Content of the configuration file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><BAMICommand>
<ADCServerName>BAM Server hostname</ADCServerName>

Default password should be encrypted else you will be receiving “ICommandEngine.MissingCredentials” error.

To encrypt the password configure the BAMICommandConfig.xml file in the $ORACLE_HOME/bam/config folder with the plain text password and run any standard icommand from the server (e.g $ORACLE_HOME/bam/bin/icommand -cmd export -type dataobject -name SampleDO -file C:\temp\SampleDO.xml) that will encrypt the password.
  • Create Export_BAM_Objects.xml file with the BAM export commands and place the same in BAMConfig folder created in the above step, the contents of the file look like below
   <!--import dataobjects-->
    <Export name="/Albin/BAMWebservice" type="dataobject" file="$BAM_PROJ_HOME$/BAMWebservice.xml"/>
    <Export name="/SampleDO" type="dataobject" file="$BAM_PROJ_HOME$/SampleDO.xml"/>
Configure the required export commands (exporting different type of objects) into this file.
  • Create Import_BAM_Objects.xml file with the BAM import commands and place the same in BAMConfig folder created in the above step, the contents of the file look like below
   <!--import dataobjects-->
   <Import file="$BAM_PROJ_HOME$/BAMWebservice.xml"/>
Configure the required import commands into this file.
  • Create the BAMBuild.xml file with the following contents and place the same in the BAMConfig folder created in the above step.
<project name="BAMMigrationProject" basedir="." default="config">
   <!--import the property file-->
   <property environment="env"/>
   <property name="src.dir" value="."/>
   <property name="proj.home" value="${env.BAM_PROJ_HOME}"/>
   <property name="oracle.home" value="${env.ORACLE_HOME}"/>
   <property name="oracle.common.home" value="${env.ORACLE_COMMON_HOME}"/>
   <property name="bam.core.lib.dir" value="${env.ORACLE_HOME}/bam/modules/oracle.bam_11.1.1"/>
   <property name="" value="${env.ORACLE_HOME}/bam/modules/oracle.bam.thirdparty_11.1.1"/>
   <property name="dms.lib.dir" value="${env.ORACLE_COMMON_HOME}/modules/oracle.dms_11.1.1"/>
   <!--BAM Classpath required by icommand application-->
   <path id="bamClasspath">
      <fileset file="${bam.core.lib.dir}/oracle-bam-icommand.jar"/>
      <fileset file="${bam.core.lib.dir}/oracle-bam-common.jar"/>
      <fileset file="${bam.core.lib.dir}/oracle-bam-adc-ejb.jar"/>
      <fileset file="${dms.lib.dir}/dms.jar"/>
      <fileset file="${}/jgroups-core.jar"/>
      <fileset file="${}/xstream-1.3.1.jar"/>
      <fileset file="${}/commons-codec-1.3.jar"/>
      <fileset file="${oracle.home}/../wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar"/>
      <fileset file="${oracle.common.home}/modules/org.jaxen_1.1.1.jar"/>
   <!--export BAM DOs through icommand-->
   <target name="export" description="Export BAM dataobjects and reports" depends="config">
    <delete dir="${basedir}/BAMObjects" includeemptydirs="true" includes="*/**"></delete>
      <java classname="oracle.bam.icommand.Application" fork="true" dir="${src.dir}" classpathref="bamClasspath">
         <sysproperty key="oracle.bam.debug" value="true"/>
         <arg value="-CmdFile"/>
         <arg value="${basedir}/Export_BAM_Objects.xml"/>
   <!--import BAM DOs through icommand-->
   <target name="import" description="Import BAM dataobjects and reports" depends="config">
      <java classname="oracle.bam.icommand.Application" fork="true" dir="${src.dir}" classpathref="bamClasspath">
         <sysproperty key="oracle.bam.debug" value="true"/>
         <arg value="-CmdFile"/>
         <arg value="${basedir}/Import_BAM_Objects.xml"/>
   <!--Modify bam icommand files-->
   <target name="config">
       <!--replace $project.home$ with the actual project directory inside the command file-->
      <replace file="Export_BAM_Objects.xml" token="$BAM_PROJ_HOME$" value="${basedir}/BAMObjects"/>
      <replace file="Import_BAM_Objects.xml" token="$BAM_PROJ_HOME$" value="${basedir}/BAMObjects"/>
  • To run the scripts from the server copy the BAMConfig folder with all the contents to the server.Set the environment variables ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_COMMON_HOME(e.gORACLE_HOME=/oracle/Middleware/Oracle_SOA1;export ORACLE_HOME;ORACLE_COMMON_HOME=oracle/Middleware/oracle_common;export ORACLE_COMMON_HOME) and also set the PATH to ANT(e.g export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/../modules/org.apache.ant_1.7.1/bin)
         Execute the ant scripts
          ant –f BAMBuild.xml export

        The objects will be exported based on the commands in the Export_BAM_Objects.xml as an xml file   to the BAMObjects folder

         ant –f BAMBuild.xml import

           The xml file contents will be imported to BAM based on the commands in the Import_BAM_Objects.xml
  • To run the script from the client machine the JDeveloper with the same version as the BAM server should be installed.Set the ORACLE_HOME (e.g C:\EnvSetup\MiddlewareBlog\jdeveloper) and ORACLE_COMMON_HOME(e.g C:\EnvSetup\MiddlewareBlog\oracle_common) environment variables and also set the PATH to ANT
        Copy the commons-codec-1.3.jar file from the server location   ${env.ORACLE_HOME}/bam/modules/oracle.bam.thirdparty_11.1.1 to the <JDEV_HOME>\ jdeveloper\bam\modules\oracle.bam.thirdparty_11.1.1

Run the ant script


  1. please write blog with right and require step.I am not following half of the steps.

  2. Why should I have to put BAMICommandConfig.xml in config folder only ? Can I copy the file under any other folder and then force import or export target java call to Icommand to check the file there.

  3. i dont think you can override the seme,the i command looking for a folder with the name config and the configuration file BAMICommandConfig.xml in that.

    You try to find out the option how to override the path of BAMICommandConfig.xml

    Albin I

  4. Thanks Albin..One more question about delete....
    I am generating file Delete_BAM_Objects.xml at run time by reading data from SVN.Now the problem is related to DataObject.The DataObject read as per the alphabetic order and then I am facing the error:

    [java]BAM-01325: Cannot delete a data object that is a lookup source for another data object.
    [java] [ErrorSource="ActiveDataCache", ErrorID="ADC.Lookup.LookupTableCannotBeDeleted"]

    IS any way in Icommand which forcefully delete the Data object even though it have reference look up with other object.


  5. Hi, am geting this error while ruuning ant script

    [copy] Copying 5 files to D:\BAMConfig\config

    [java] unable to load configuration from file: BAMICommandConfig.xml
    [java] [ErrorSource="java.lang.Exception: unable to load configuration from file: BAMICommandConfig.xml"]

  6. Hi ,

    can we put all files like import, export and BamIcommandConfig files in Single Build.Xml Files... If know how it is ??
