Create cq-sample-all/pom.xml and configure the environment specific properties, module dependencies and different profiles - refer the sample below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLotrion="">
<groupId>my-group-id</groupId> <!-- Change the groupid and artifactId of the paraent -->
<artifactId>cq-sample-all</artifactId> <!-- Change the artifcatId -->
<name>${project.groupId} - ${project.artifactId}</name>
<!-- Add the other server details-->
<!-- Add all the bundle/content modules as part of dependency. Change the artifactId of the modules-->
<embeddedTarget>/apps/cq-sample/install</embeddedTarget> <!-- change the folder name(cq-sample) accordingly -->
<!-- Add additional bundle modules here as embedded -->
<!-- Add additional content modules here as subPackage -->
<!-- Profile for Development deployments -->
<!--Create the profile for different environments -->
<!-- Add execution for additional publisher with different id(increment the last digit)-->