WLST script to set the XA Transaction timeout values for a data source in weblogic server
Set XA Transaction Timeout
When enabled, the WebLogic Server Transaction Manager calls XAResource.setTransactionTimeout() before calling XAResource.start, and passes either the XA Transaction Timeout value or the global transaction timeout.
XA Transaction Timeout
The number of seconds to set as the transaction branch timeout.
If set, this value is passed as the transaction timeout value in the XAResource.setTransactionTimeout() call on the XA resource manager, typically the JDBC driver.
When this value is set to 0, the WebLogic Server Transaction Manager passes the global WebLogic Server transaction timeout in seconds in the method.
If set, this value should be greater than or equal to the global WebLogic Server transaction timeout.

XA Retry Duration
XA Retry Interval
The number of seconds between XA retry operations if XARetryDurationSeconds is set to a positive value.
Please note the above configurations are only available to the data sources created with XA supported driver

WLST Script
def setXATimeoutProperties(): dsName='JDBC Data Source-0' edit() startEdit() server='AdminServer' cd("Servers/"+server) target=cmo print '=========================================' print 'Setting the timeout properties for DataSource....' print '=========================================' cd('/JDBCSystemResources/'+dsName+'/JDBCResource/'+dsName+'/JDBCXAParams/'+dsName) cmo.setXaSetTransactionTimeout(true)cd('/JDBCSystemResources/'+dsName+'/JDBCResource/'+dsName+'/JDBCXAParams/'+dsName) cmo.setXaTransactionTimeout(3000)cd('/JDBCSystemResources/'+dsName+'/JDBCResource/'+dsName+'/JDBCXAParams/'+dsName) cmo.setXaRetryDurationSeconds(300)cd('/JDBCSystemResources/'+dsName+'/JDBCResource/'+dsName+'/JDBCXAParams/'+dsName) cmo.setXaRetryIntervalSeconds(60)save() activate()print 'Timeout settings for the datasource '+dsName+' has been completed' def main(): adminURL='t3://localhost:7001' adminUserName='weblogic' adminPassword='weblogic1' connect(adminUserName, adminPassword, adminURL) setXATimeoutProperties() disconnect()main()
Before executing the script change the configuration values as required
Execute the script — <<Oracle_Home>>\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd SetXATimeoutProperties.py
Before executing the script change the configuration values as required
Execute the script — <<Oracle_Home>>\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd SetXATimeoutProperties.py

Restart the server after successful execution. Now the XA configurations are enabled as required.

what is XA Transaction Timeout? why it has to enable..? what's the relation between XA transaction and JDBC conn////if we enable XA tran...any help for tunning the server?