Rejected empty referrer header for POST request - Adobe Experience Manager(AEM)
We will receive the following exception while testing the Adobe Experience Manager(AEM) POST Servlets from Rest client.
15.12.2014 22:55:01.434 *INFO* [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [1418664301434] POST /services/EmailServlet HTTP/1.1] Rejected empty
referrer header for POST request to /services/EmailServlet
This error is is due to the Apache Sling Referrer Filter will not allow empty Referer address by default.
For testing purpose, we can allow empty referrer by changing the Apache Sling Referrer Filter.
Apache Sling Referrer Filter configuration
Go to the Felix Console - http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr
Search for "Apache Sling Referrer Filter"
Select "Allow Empty"
This should be only enabled for testing purpose in dev environment.
But, wanted to know the solution of this to be implemented in PROD environments. Is there any fix identified for this. If possible, please let me know the way forward to this issue.