Sunday, February 1, 2015

Changing the log level for a package - Adobe Experience Manager(AEM)

Changing the log level for a package - Adobe Experience Manager(AEM)

This post explains the steps required to change the log level for a package in Adobe Experience Manager(AEM)(the version referred here is 5.6.1)

We can enable the log level of a package in two level - Global level, Package level.

Global level:

Login to /system/console/configMgr and go to OSGI -->Configuration
Search for "Apache Sling Logging Configuration"
Change the log level accordingly

Save the configuration

Package level:

Login to /system/console/configMgr and go to OSGI -->Configuration
Search for "Apache Sling Logging Logger Configuration" and click on "+" to add new configuration.

Provide the package name in the Logger and Save the configuration.

To change the logger level open the configured Logger from the "Apache Sling Logging Logger Configuration" and change log level.

Save the configuration.

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