Wednesday, February 18, 2015

How to execute the Quartz scheduler job only in master author node - AEM/Adobe CQ5

How to execute the Quartz scheduler job only in master author node -  AEM/Adobe CQ5

While we are deploying the scheduler in Adobe Experience Manager(AEM), the scheduler will be active in master/slave author nodes and all the publish nodes(based on our deployment configuration).

But sometimes there will be scenario the scheduled job should be only executed in master author node.

The below code snippet can be used to restrict the job getting executed only in master author node.

SlingRepository repository;
private void sampleScheduledJob() {
       if(isRunMode("author") && isMasterRepository()){
            //execute the job functionality here

private Boolean isRunMode(String mode) {
        Set<String> runModes = slingSettings.getRunModes();
        for (String runMode : runModes) {
                if (runMode.equalsIgnoreCase(mode)) {
                         log.debug("Current Runmode is : " + runMode);
                         return true;
        return false;
public boolean isMasterRepository(){
          final String isMaster = repository.getDescriptor("crx.cluster.master");
          return StringUtils.isNotBlank(isMaster) && Boolean.parseBoolean(isMaster);


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