Tuesday, March 3, 2015

How to find the Email Group Id in Eloqua?

 How to find the Email Group Id in Eloqua? 

This post will explain  how to find the Email Group Id in Eloqua

There will be different approach to find the Email Group id. Here. This post explains the approach used by me.
Use any of the REST client(here i am using Advance Rest Client)

Provide the below URL - https://secure.p03.eloqua.com/API/REST/1.0/assets/email/groups

Select the Http Method as GET

Provide the Authorization header

Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxx

Replace xxxxxxxxxxx with base64 encoded string of companyName\userName:password

Send the request

The response will have all the Email Group id details - id and name of the Emial group can be found in the response.

  elements: [2]
  0:  {
         type: "ContactEmailSubscription"
         contactId: "1"
         emailGroup: {
             type: "EmailGroup"
             id: "1"
            depth: "minimal"
            description: ""
            name: "Sample1"
            permissions: "fullControl"
            updatedAt: "1423758721"
           updatedBy: "1"
       isSubscribed: "true"
       updatedAt: "1423219686"
  1:  {
         type: "ContactEmailSubscription"
         contactId: "1"
         emailGroup: {
             type: "EmailGroup"
             id: "2"
            depth: "minimal"
            description: ""
            name: "Sample2"
            permissions: "fullControl"
            updatedAt: "1423758721"
           updatedBy: "1"
       isSubscribed: "true"
       updatedAt: "1423219686"
  page: 1
 pageSize: 1000
 total: 2

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