How to expose Regex based rest service in Adobe Experience Manager(AEM)
This post will explain the approach to expose the regex based rest service in Adobe Experience Manager(AEM). By default OSGI will not support exposing regex based rest services and it will only support the services based on the specified Path or Resource Type.Install OSGI JAX-RS connector:
Install(/system/console/bundles) jersey-all, publisher, provider-security and other required bundles e.g. provider-gson for JSON support and make sure the bundles are in Active state.The bundles(jar) can be downloaded from following URL -
Develop the Servlet with required path mapping:
>=AEM 6.2import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
@Component(service = RegexServlet.class)
@Path("/{catagroy}/{title}/p/{code : \\d{5}}")
public class RegexServlet {
public String getProductDetails(@Context HttpServletRequest request, @Context HttpServletResponse response,@PathParam("catagroy") String catagroy,@PathParam("title") String title,@PathParam("code") String code) {
return "code="+code+";catagroy="+catagroy+";title="+title;
< AEM 6.2
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
@Component(metatype = false)
@Path("/{catagroy}/{title}/p/{code : \\d{5}}")
public class RegexServlet {
public String getProductDetails(@Context HttpServletRequest request, @Context HttpServletResponse response,@PathParam("catagroy") String catagroy,@PathParam("title") String title,@PathParam("code") String code) {
return "code="+code+";catagroy="+catagroy+";title="+title;
Add the following dependency in POM.xml
Install the package and make sure the core bundle status is active.
Verify whether the RegexServlet service is registered in system console
The servlet will accept the request with matching pattern - the servlet path should be starting with /services
The Path Regex pattern specified in the servlet will match for the following URL - localhost:4502/services/categoryTest/Sampletitle/p/12345 (Code should be 5 digit)
Download the sample code - (Refer in core module)
The sample code is tested in AEM 6.3 but it should be working in 6.2
ReplyDeleteI tried this code but got 404 error.All the bundles are active and AEM version is 6.2
I hope you are using the correct URL to access the servlet - localhost:4502/services/categoryTest/Sampletitle/p/12345 (services should be pre-appended)
DeleteYes ,used correct url.Bundle is active state.From error.log ,I got
Delete22.11.2017 12:12:01.906 *INFO* [ [1511374321901] GET /services/categoryTest/Sampletitle/p/12345 HTTP/1.1] service: Resource /services/categoryTest/Sampletitle/p/12345 not found
Hello, thank you for your tutorial.
ReplyDeleteI also tried to follow the steps in AEM 6.3 and met the same issues as described by the first comment to this article.
The bundles which I have installed in Apache Felix OSGI are the ones mentioned here in the article:
- jersey-all
- publisher
- provider-security
- provider-gson
Additionally I faced some issues even with the "" dependency. Even though the "jersey-all" dependency has all the resource annotations like @Path and @GET which are in the sample code, my bundle could not resolve the dependency. I actually had to include the "" in the "Embed-Dependency" configuration of the "maven-bundle-plugin" to resolve it.
It would also be great if you could provide a sample code using the OSGI service annotations instead of the Apache Felix annotations. You can find more about that topic here:
Regarding the 404 issue there are some *DEBUG* log entry in the log files of AEM:
ReplyDelete15.12.2017 14:28:59.538 *DEBUG* [qtp2021446402-1235] org.glassfish.jersey.server.ServerRuntime$Responder Starting mapping of the exception. HTTP 404 Not Found
at org.glassfish.jersey.server.ServerRuntime$
15.12.2017 14:28:59.538 *DEBUG* [qtp2021446402-1235] org.glassfish.jersey.server.ServerRuntime$Responder WebApplicationException (WAE) with no entity thrown and no ExceptionMappers have been found for this WAE. Response with status 404 is directly generated from the WAE. HTTP 404 Not Found
at org.glassfish.jersey.server.ServerRuntime$
15.12.2017 14:28:59.539 *TRACE* [qtp2021446402-1235] org.glassfish.jersey.process.internal.RequestScope [DEBUG] Released scope instance Instance{id=4d39bb2b-cbc5-4e38-bdfd-9f9ec32ab005, referenceCounter=0, store size=0} on thread qtp2021446402-1235
Updated the post with additional details and sample code.
ReplyDeleteThank you, the sample project you provided worked for me now. I think what I was missing was the "javax.inject" dependency.
ReplyDeleteHi Andras,
ReplyDeleteI have installed this package on my AEM 6.4 instance by making changes in the UBER dependency and did not touched any dependency related to jersey.
All the bundles are in active state and still I am getting this error. We are in the middle of the upgrade and we are stuck now.
Problem accessing /services/categoryTest/Sampletitle/p/12345. Reason:
Jersey is not ready yet!
Hello Amogh,
DeleteI'm not sure if I can help you. I would suggest you to try the following things:
1. Believe you should be able to check your JaxRS services either through http://localhost:4502/system/console/services or http://localhost:4502/system/console/components Maybe there is a status displayed there.
2. Check the log files. As far as I remember, there should be a jersey.log file. Otherwise look into the error.log: http://localhost:4502/system/console/slinglog/tailer.txt?tail=10000&grep=*&name=%2Flogs%2Ferror.log
3. Search online for more details about your error. I've found the following link:
4. Download the source code and analyze the part error message is generated:
5. Did it work on a different AEM version? Check what differences there are now.
but in my case it works fine but creating issue while starting the aem instance. some javax.annotation not resolved exception. Do you have any remedy for the same. I am using AEM 6.4