Wednesday, April 5, 2023

How to Connect Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) with ChatGPT

 ChatGPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI, capable of generating human-like text based on input. The model is trained on a large corpus of text data and can generate responses to questions, summarize long texts, write stories, and much more.

The OpenAI API can integrate AI models with different systems.

AEM already enables some of the Generative AI capabilities like — Content Creation, Summarization, rewriting, etc., also Adobe Integrate Adobe Firefly (a range of creative AI models to AEM DAM) to simplify content creation and management. I will explain this in more detail in another post.

Integrating AEM with ChatGPT empowers content authors to easily create content that meets the SEO requirements, e.g., create a title/description for a page, create a story on a topic, summarize the content, etc.; the ChatGPT generated content can be optimized further based on the need.

In this post, let us see how to integrate AEM with ChatGPT to empower the authors with content authoring.

As a first step, enable a servlet connecting the chatgpt model with the user prompt and returning the response.

Change the gpt model based on your need, gpt-3.5-turbo is the latest model currently available for API access; the model details can be found Models — OpenAI API

The ‘role’ can take one of three values: ‘system’, ‘user’ or the ‘assistant’.

These roles help define the context of the conversation; even you can specify the previous conversation context by adding messages with different roles, user — the message sent by the user, and assistant — the response from API.

Not mandatory to specify all the roles; I have used only the user role to generate the response; you can use other roles to give more context to the conversation.

max_tokens — specifies the maximum number of tokens the API should generate in response to a prompt. Tokens are the individual words and punctuation marks that make up the text. Adjust the max_tokens based on your prompts and the expected response.

Now Generate the OpenAI API Key through Account API Keys — OpenAI API

Replace <Open API Token> in the servlet with the actual token; ensure the token is secured, and you can keep the token as an OSGI configuration.

The API is billed based on the token usage; some free tokens are enabled for initial API testing; after that, you should enable the billing details to use the API.

Now the servlet can be invoked as http://localhost:4502/bin/chat.json?prompt=<<Prompt>> e.g., http://localhost:4502/bin/chat.json?prompt=what is AEM

The servlet can be invoked from components, pages, or toolbars to generate the required content.

In this post lets us see how to add a button on the title component edit toolbar to integrate with the above servlet to generate the content whenever required — the condition on the action can be changed to enable the chatgpt action on all the components or specific components (also the servlet can be invoked in multiple other ways).

Create a client library under your project with the below JS and add for the categories.



Now the Title component edit toolbar displays the chatgpt actions.

Clicking on the action will display the dialog to generate the required content through the chatgpt integration.

Enter the prompt for generating the content and Click on Generate button.

Now the authors can use the chatgpt integration to perform the different content operations through ChatGPT —Generate the content, Summarize, generate a title, generate a description, etc.; modify the content based on the business context.

AEM already enables some of the Generative AI capabilities like — Content Creation, Summarization, rewriting, etc., also Adobe Integrate Adobe Firefly (a range of creative AI models to AEM DAM) to simplify content creation and management. I will explain this in more detail in another post.

AEM Project Reference— youttubedata/aem/chatgptintegration at master · techforum-repo/youttubedata (

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