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WLST script to migrate default File Stores to JDBC store in weblogic servers
WLST script to migrate default File Stores to JDBC store in weblogic servers
The persistent store provides a built-in, high-performance storage solution for WebLogic Server subsystems and services that require persistence. For example, it can store persistent JMS messages or temporarily store messages sent using the Store-and-Forward feature. The persistent store supports persistence to a file-based store or to a JDBC-enabled database.
By default, File store is used as a persistence store for weblogic servers
File stores are generally easier to configure and administer, and do not require that WebLogic subsystems depend on any external component.
File stores generate no network traffic; whereas, JDBC stores will generate network traffic if the database is on a different machine from WebLogic Server.
JDBC stores may make it easier to handle failure recovery since the JDBC interface can access the database from any machine on the same network. With the file store, the disk must be shared or migrated.
This tutorial explains the approach to migrate the default JMS file store to a DB store through WLST script.
Data Source
As a first step, create a schema in target database(beloSQL for Oracle database)
alter session set “_ORACLE_SCRIPT”=true;
create user JDBC_STORE_USER identified by “jdbcstoreuser” temporary tablespace temp default tablespace users;
grant connect to JDBC_STORE_USER; grant resource to JDBC_STORE_USER; grant create session to JDBC_STORE_USER;
Create a data source with name “JDBCStoreDataSource” to connect to the database
A JDBC store must use a JDBC data source that uses a non-XA JDBC driver and has Supports Global Transactions disabled.
Test the configurations and ensure the test connection successful
Target the data source to all the servers in the domain so the same data source can be used by all the servers to manage the JDBC stores(For demo i am targeting only to Admin Server)
Now the data source is ready and can be used for JDBC store configurations
WLST Script
The below wlst script migrate the existing File Store to JDBC Persistence store — my case the server is enabled with one persistence store(BAMMonitoringJMSFileStore) for JMS Server(BAMMonitoringServer) and targeted only to Admin Server so the script migrate the JMS store to JDBC store and target to Admin Server, modify the script based on the number of existing File store configuration
import sysprint "@@@ Starting the script ..."from java.util import *
from javax.management import *#The directory of the domain configuration
print "WLSDOMAIN="+wlsDomainadminURL='t3://localhost:7001'
connect(adminUserName, adminPassword, adminURL)
############# JDBC stores for STANDALONE ADMINSERVER ## Enable and target unique JDBC Store for all the servers in the domain
set('Targets',jarray.array([ObjectName('com.bea:Name=AdminServer,Type=Server')], ObjectName))#### Add
#### end of creating jdbc stores############Set Persistent Stores for the sub systems e.g JMS Serverscd('/JMSServers/BAMMonitoringServer')
cmo.setPersistentStore(getMBean('/JDBCStores/BAMMonitoringJMSJDBCStore'))#################DESTROY ALL THE EXISTING FILE STOREScd('/')
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Before executing the script, change the configurations as required.
Execute the script — <<Oracle_Home>>\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd MigrateFileStoreToJDBSStore.py
The existing file store is deleted after enabling the JDBC store for the modules.
For clustered environment the same should be executed for all the servers in the cluster with unique JDBC store name(e.g BAMMonitoringJMSJDBCStore for server 1 and BAMMonitoringJMSJDBCStore2 for server 2).
Restart the servers, the required tables({PrefixName}WLStore) — BAMMonitoringWLStore will be created.
The config.xml file will be enabled with required JDBC store configurations as below.
The table with name “BAMMONITORINGWLSTORE” created in database
select object_name as table_name from user_objects where object_type = ‘TABLE’ order by object_name;
The required data now stored into the JDBC store
This concludes the migration of existing Default File Store to JDBC store. The File Store and JDBC store has its own merits and demerits, the stores should be selected based on the uses cases — File Store provides better performance but JDBC store provides better recovery support.
Hi, I have a question if this solution also results in moving all non-processed messages from file store to JDBC store?