Saturday, January 17, 2015

Configuring proxy server details for HttpClient communication in Adobe Experience Manager(AEM)

Configuring proxy server details for HttpClient communication in Adobe Experience Manager(AEM)

This post will explain how to configure proxy server details for HttpClient communication in Adobe Experience Manager(AEM)

Go to config manager - http://localhot:4502/system/console/configMgr
Open Day Commons HTTP Client 3.1 and provide the proxy server details.

Check "Enable HTTP Proxy" and provide the HTTP Proxy Host and Port details.
If authentication required provide the proxy server user name and password.

Provide the host name and ip address for which the proxy is not required.

This proxy details will be used for all the communication happens via Apache HTTP commons. Client
This details will be used upon replication, if the proxy is not required to connect to publisher then add the publisher host name to No Proxy For list.

This proxy details will not be used if we are using HttpURLConnection for http communication.


  1. The answer from the proxy server is given back as if it was coming from the original server and it does not give the clients the knowledge of the original server. The proxy list is found on the neighborhood of different web servers. Proxy server list

  2. What is the use of Proxy Connection in case of Replication? If proxy connection get close will it affect the Replication?
