Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Adobe Experiance Manager(AEM) 6.4 - Upgrade Tips

This post explains some of the issues identified during AEM 6.4 upgrade.

The Servlet status is disabled in AEM

/etc/cloudsettings/default/contexthub.kernel.js is not loading

Proxy ClientLibs not working through Dispatcher

Touch UI dialog is not enabled:

The touch UI dialog's were not enabled for non of the components after applying 6.4.3 on top of 6.4.2

This is a known issue in AEM 6.4.3, the following workaround can be followed to fix the issue

 Go to Package Manager
 Reinstall package """"
 Recompile all JSPs (http://<AEM HOST>:<AEM PORT/system/console/slingjsp)

Refer the following Adobe document for more details -

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