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Enable User Authentication for AEM Websites — Azure AD B2C OAuth 2.0
Please note, sharing this post based on my learning and understanding may not be the right solution for your use cases; considering security and other factors, consult AEM/Azure AD B2C experts before enabling any user authentications solutions.
In my earlier post, we have seen how to use the Azure AD B2C SAML standard to enable authenticated websites in AEM. In this post, let us now see how to use the OAuth 2.0 standard to configure Authenticated websites in AEM using Azure AD B2C. The recommendation from Microsoft is to use OpenID Connect to enable the authentication for websites, but AEM currently won’t support OpenID connect OOTB — may need to build a custom authentication handler to support OpenID Connect with AEM.
Azure AD B2C Configurations:
Azure Active Directory B2C tenant:
Before your applications can interact with Azure Active Directory B2C (Azure AD B2C), they must be registered in a tenant that you manage.
Azure AD B2C requires you to register two applications that it uses to sign up and sign in users with local accounts: IdentityExperienceFramework, a web API, and ProxyIdentityExperienceFramework, a native app with delegated permission to the IdentityExperienceFramework app. Your users can sign up with an email address or username and a password to access your tenant-registered applications, which creates a “local account.” Local accounts exist only in your Azure AD B2C tenant.
Update the tenant name references in TrustFrameworkBase.xml, TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml, TrustFrameworkLocalization.xml, SignUpOrSigninSAML.xml, and ProfileEdit.xml
Replace ProxyIdentityExperienceFrameworkAppId and IdentityExperienceFrameworkAppId values in TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml.
Currently the Graph API is not supported to fetch the user profile details from Azure AD B2C Local Accounts, the user info endpoints can be enabled through custom policy to fetch the required profile details of the logged in user
The issuer id that needs to be configured in TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml along with other end point details can be copied from openid-configuration URL — https://tenantn.b2clogin.com/tenantname.onmicrosoft.com/<policy-name>/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration
Not setup Azure AD B2C app through Azure portal, I was getting version mismatch issue while enabling the APP through latest App registration link, registered the app through legacy app registration link to overcome the issue.
Ensure the below reply URL’s are enabled — I am using localhost for demo but use the actual website domain
By default, “Adobe Granite OAuth Authentication Handler” is not enabled by default, the handler can be enabled by opening and saving without doing any changes.
Now the OAuth Authentication handler is enabled
Custom Azure AD B2C OAuth Provider:
AEM won’t support Azure AD B2C OAuth authentication OOTB, define a new provider to support the authentication with Azure AD B2C. Refer to https://github.com/techforum-repo/youttubedata/tree/master/active-directory-b2c/oauth/azureadb2c-oauth-provider for custom provider to support Azure AD B2C Oauth authentication. The bundle enabled for AEM as a Cloud Service SDK, may require some changes to deploy the provider bundle to other AEM versions.
Enable the service user with required permissions to manage the users in the system, Create a system user with name “oauth-azureadb2c-service”, navigate to http://localhost:4503/crx/explorer/index.jsp and login as an admin user and click on user administration
Whenever the profile data is changed (e.g familyName and givenName) in Azure AD B2C through the profile edit functionality the same will be reflected in AEM on subsequent logins based on the “Apache Jackrabbit Oak Default Sync Handler” configuration.
AEM OOTB creates an “Apache Jackrabbit Oak Default Sync Handler” configuration specific to each OAuth provider implementation.
The sync handler syncs the user profile data between the external authentication system and the AEM repository.
Configure “User auto membership” property with required AEM groups, the users should be added into while creating the users in AEM — ensure the group is created with required permissions before configuring the sync handler.
The user profile data is synced based on the User Expiration Time setting, the user data will get synced(including the group changes) on the subsequent login after the synced user data expired(default is 1 hr.). Modify the configurations based on the requirement.
Created a Custom Java Filter to handle the profile edit scenario, the filter sends the profile edit request to Azure AD B2C if the URL contains the “operation=profileedit” parameter.
Now the logged in users(if not users will be directed to the login page first) will be sent to the Profile edit page while accessing the URL with “operation=profileedit” and “configId=azureadb2csite1”( configid value will change based on your configuration) e.g. https://localhost/content/wknd/us/en.html?operation=profileedit&configId=azureadb2csite1(use the current page path so the user will be redirected to the same page on successful profile edit)
The user will be redirected to /content/wknd/us/en.html on successful profile edit.
The “Sign In/Sign Up/Profile Edit” UI branding and the view can be customized based on the project need, also custom DNS can be enabled to support the company-specific login URL — e.g login.mysite.com
CUG(Closed User Group):
Another option is using CUG to enable the authentication for specific pages, the authentication will be requested while the user accessing that specific page and child pages. The CUG can be enabled through Page Properties — Advanced tab.
The Login page should enabled in the following patter <<current Page URL>>/j_security_check?configid=azureadb2csite1&test=test(the config id value change based on your OAuth handler configuration)
Unfortunately only enabling the url /content/wknd/us/en/test.html/j_security_check?configid=azureadb2csite1 won’t work as AEM internally append .html towards end of the login URL, to avoid this append a additional random query parameter(test=test) as a workaround(not deep dived may be another better solution)
Configure the user’s groups that will have the access under permissions tab — enabling “sample2” user group configured as part of the OAuth User Sync Handler.
Multi-Site Support:
The basic configuration discussed here will helps us to support the authentication for multiple sites using site specific(Domain) login/logout/profile edit URLS but if the website required different permissions enable site specific OAuth handler also better to enable site specific Application in Azure AD B2C with redirect URL’s specific to a website.
The site specific authentication can be invoked through corresponding URL — Site1:
When multiple publishers are used to serving the content in a load-balanced setup, the user-created in one of the publishers should be synced to the rest of the publisher for seamless authentication.
Hi the post is excellent and very detailed. One question: If the IDP does not expose a URL for fetching user properties then the integration fails because it expects IDP to expose URL for profile. Do you know how to work with that?
When I try to visit https://localhost/j_security_check?configid=azureadb2csite1 I get 403 access denied. I can't see my azure login page :( any ideas why?
Hi the post is excellent and very detailed. One question: If the IDP does not expose a URL for fetching user properties then the integration fails because it expects IDP to expose URL for profile. Do you know how to work with that?
ReplyDeleteWhen I try to visit https://localhost/j_security_check?configid=azureadb2csite1 I get 403 access denied. I can't see my azure login page :( any ideas why?