Removing the default rowselector column from DOJO Enhanced Grid:
Make sure the value for rowSelector is set as 0px or remove rowSelector property from the grid definition.var grid = new dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid({
id : gridObjectName,
structure : layout,
rowSelector : '0px',
sortFields: [{attribute: defaultsort, ascending: true}],
noDataMessage:"<span class=\"dojoxGridNoData\">No Matching Rows Found!!</span>",
plugins : {
pagination : {
pageSizes : [ "25", "50", "100" ],
description : true,
sizeSwitch : true,
pageStepper : true,
gotoButton : true,
/* page step to be displayed */
maxPageStep : 4,
/* position of the pagination bar */
position : "bottom"