Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Enable User Authentication for AEM Websites — Azure AD B2C | SAML Application with Azure AD B2C

Enable User Authentication for AEM Websites — Azure AD B2C | SAML Application with Azure AD B2C

Azure AD(Active Directory) B2C provides business-to-customer identity as a service. The end users can use preferred social, enterprise, or local account identities to get single sign-on access to your applications and APIs.Azure AD B2C is a separate service from Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).

It is built on the same technology as Azure AD but for a different purpose. It allows businesses to build customer-facing applications, and then allow anyone to sign up for those applications with no restrictions on the user account.

You can customize the entire user experience with your brand so that it blends seamlessly with your web and mobile applications. Customize every page displayed by Azure AD B2C when your users sign up, sign in, and modify their profile information. Customize the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in your user journeys so that the Azure AD B2C experience looks and feels like it’s a native part of your application. Azure AD B2C uses standards-based authentication protocols including OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0, and Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML).

Refer to for more details on Azure Active Directory B2C

The Active Directly SAML integration can be directly used if the requirement is just enabling the SAML integration(Author integration)without the need to have a more custom signup/sign-in/profile edit UI’s

In this post, let us discuss how to enable AD B2C service to enable user signup/sign in for AEM websites.

As a first step create an Azure portal account through the “free” or “pay as you go” service.

Please note “albinsblog” referred across this post is the Initial domain name configured while creating the Azure AD B2C tenant through the Azure portal.

Azure AD B2C Configurations:

Azure Active Directory B2C tenant:

Before your applications can interact with Azure Active Directory B2C (Azure AD B2C), they must be registered in a tenant that you manage.

Refer to for more details on configuring B2C tenants.

SSL Certificate — Obtain/Upload SSL Certificate:

If the CA-signed certificate is not obtained then Self Signed certificate can be used but Self Signed Certificate will not provide guaranteed security as the CA-signed SSL certificate.

Refer to (the SSL certificate can be generated through other tools like OpenSSL) for obtaining the SSL certificate and uploading it to Azure AD B2C tenant.

Signing and encryption keys for Identity Experience Framework:

As a next step, Create the signing and encryption keys

Refer to for more details on enabling Signing and encryption keys for Identity Experience Framework.

Register Identity Experience Framework applications:

Azure AD B2C requires you to register two applications that it uses to sign up and sign in users with local accounts: IdentityExperienceFramework, a web API, and ProxyIdentityExperienceFramework, a native app with delegated permission to the IdentityExperienceFramework app. Your users can sign up with an email address or username and a password to access your tenant-registered applications, which creates a “local account.” Local accounts exist only in your Azure AD B2C tenant.

Refer to for more details on registering identity experience framework applications.

Custom Policies:

As a next step to enable the required custom policies, the starter pack can be downloaded from, I am going to enable SAML with a Local account.

Customized LocalAccount/SAML policies to enable SignIn/SignUp/Profile Edit can be downloaded from

Update the tenant name references in TrustFrameworkBase.xml, TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml, TrustFrameworkLocalization.xml, SignUpOrSigninSAML.xml, and ProfileEdit.xml

Replace ProxyIdentityExperienceFrameworkAppId and IdentityExperienceFrameworkAppId values in TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml.

Enable any custom claims required — Modify the TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml, SignUpOrSigninSAML.xml, and ProfileEdit.xml files(Refer to the custom City field configurations in the policy files for your reference)

Change the IssuerUri value in the TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml file — the issuer URL is the same as Entity Id, this will be configured in the AEM SAML auth handler.

Now upload the policies to Azure AD B2C “Identity Experience Framework” in the below order


SAML App Setup:

Register a SAML app through the Azure portal, refer to for steps.

Specify the redirect URL as AEM SAML URL — e.g https://localhost/saml_login (replace with real website domain). The redirect URL should be enabled based on the content path specified in the AEM SAML auth handler. If the path is root(/) the redirect URL going to be https://localhost/saml_login, if the path is /content/wknd/us/en, the redirect URL going to be https://localhost/content/wknd/us/en/saml_login(the /saml_login should be appended to the content path specified while enabling the SAML Auth handler in AEM.

Enable identifierUris, replyUrlsWithType, and logout URL through the SAML App(SAMLApp1) manifest file.

The same identifierUris value should be defined as Entity id in the AEM SAML auth handler.

replyUrlsWithType — Enable the AEM return URL, the URL should end with /saml_login, also the URL must be enabled through HTTPS(replace with the real AEM URL).

"url": "https://localhost/saml_login",
"type": "Web"
"logoutUrl": "https://localhost/system/sling/logout.html"

The IdentifierUris property must use a verified domain of the organization or its subdomain, by default subdomain is enabled e.g, custom verified domains can be enabled by following the steps specified in the following document —

The SAML configuration details, including the SSL certificate(to be configured in AEM), can be reviewed through the SAML metadata endpoint.<<policy-name>>/Samlp/metadata

<policy-name> — Replace with the policy name specified in the SignUpOrSigninSAML.xml,

Let us now enable the AEM configurations:

AEM Configurations:

Enable SSL for AEM servers:

The saml_login URL should be enabled through HTTPS, even for local testing the HTTPS is mandatory(some functionalities may not work as expected with HTTP)

Refer to for enabling the SSL for AEM server( the same self-signed certificate can be downloaded for testing, I have modified the default AEM SSL port to 443 ”

SSL Certificate/Trust Store/KeyStore:

Copy the X509Data from SAML metadata URL — and add it to a file with crt extension, wrap the content between


As a next step enable the AEM trust store and upload the above SAML SSL certificate

Tools → Security → Trust Store

Create TrustStore, enter TrustStore password

Now upload the certificate file

Copy the certificate Alias — this should be configured in SAML Auth Handler

Now configure the Key Store

Tools → Security →Users, Look for “authentication-service” user

Create Key store, enter key store password

Enable SAML Authentication Handler:

Let us now enable the SAML authentication handler, update the Entity ID, cert alias, login/logout URL, attribute mappings, etc — the metadata can be fetched from Azure AD B2C metadata URL e.g


Apache Sling Referrer Filter:

Enable referrer filter to allow B2C tenant URL


CORS Policy:

Enable the CORS policy to allow Cross-Origin POST Request from B2C tenants.


Apache Sling Authentication Service(AEM Publishers):

By default anonymous access is enabled for content in AEM publisher, enable the Authentication Requirements for required content paths through “Apache Sling Authentication Service”


Now the users will be directed to the Azure AD B2C login page while accessing any page under /content/we-retail/us, the users will be able to sign-in or signup to the website.

Profile Edit:

To edit the profile for a logged-in user, the SAML auth request should be posted to SAML login endpoint with SAML edit profile e.g

Created a Custom JavaFilter to handle the profile edit scenario, the filter sends the profile edit request to Azure AD B2Cif the URL contains the “operation=profileedit” parameter.

Refer to the custom java filter here —

Now the loggined users(if not users will be directed to the login page first) will be sent to the Profile edit page while accessing the URL with “operation=profileedit” e.g http://localhost:4503/content/we-retail/us/en.html?operation=profileedit

You can now create a small component to display the login status on the web page, the logged-in user details can be fetched through an AJAX service call to https://localhost/libs/granite/security/currentuser.json

Log out URL — https://localhost/system/sling/logout.html

Profile Edit URL — http://localhost:4503/content/we-retail/us/en.html?operation=profileedit

The “Sign In/Sign Up/Profile Edit” UI branding and the view can be customized based on the project need, also custom DNS can be enabled to support the company-specific login URL — e.g

CUG(Closed User Group):

Another option is using CUG to enable the authentication for specific pages, the authentication will be requested while the user accessing that specific page and child pages. The CUG can be enabled through Page Properties — Advanced tab.

Configure the required user's groups that will have the access under permissions tab, I am enabling the administrator's group for the demo, enable a group with required permissions for real demo(add the user to the corresponding group on successful login)

Now the user will be redirected to the Azure AD B2C login page while accessing the CUG enabled pages and child pages.

Multi-Site Support:

To handle multiple sites, enable SAML handler for individual sites

Modify the Path — site path and the Entity ID — site-specific unique entity ID.

The enabled authentication handlers can be reviewed from http://localhost:4503/system/console/slingauth

Enable site-specific SAML Apps in Azure AD B2C, modify the manifest with the site-specific values

"url": "",
"type": "Web"
"logoutUrl": ""

As discussed earlier, identifierUris can be a site-specific custom domain (for the demo I am using the default domain with a unique context path).

Now the authentication is enabled for two different sites —

Encapsulated Token/HMAC key synchronization:

To make the authentication stateless across multiple publisher instances, enable Encapsulated Token also sync the HMAC key across all the publishers . Refer to for more details on Encapsulated Token and the steps to enable Encapsulated Token and to sync the HMAC keys.

Users synchronization

When multiple publishers are used to serve the content in a load balance setup, the user created in one of the publisher should synced to rest of the publisher for seamless authentication.

Refer to for more details on enableing user sync through SlDistribution.

Dispatcher/CDN Configurations:

Add the following rule to the dispatcher website farm configuration /filter section

/0100 {  /method "POST" /url "*/saml_login" }

Also, ensure “login-token” cookie is whitelisted from CDN

Logger Configuration:

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Quick site creation | Site Template in AEM(Adobe Experience Manager)

A Site Template provides a starting point for a new site. A Site Template includes some basic theming, page templates, configurations, and sample content. Adobe provides a Basic Site Template to accelerate new implementations. The predefined site template can be a starting point for any site creation.

Site templates:
Artifacts containing themes and templates are a developer-free way to create production-ready sites. Templates are customizable and can be reused across regions, brands, and experiences.

Site creation wizard:
The site creation wizard imports site templates into the Experience Manager interface as a complete website ready for immediate authoring and personalization.

Out-of-the-box core components:
Drag-and-drop components let you easily customize page elements, like text and imagery, as well as functionality, like search, navigation, and bread crumbs.

Style system:
Select various style elements to adjust the layout, content, and design of components to create a brand design and maintain consistency across pages, all without backend development.

Integrated front-end workflow:
Front-end developers can configure sites in their preferred code environment then export the finished product back into Experience Manager — even as authors continue to build content.

Quick site creation/Site Template feature helps to help you to set up a landing page/microsite with ease and speed. The developer needs to be involved to customize the template and developing our own template.

The Quick site creation through the Site Template(Site from Template) is currently enabled only in AEM as a Cloud but the functionality is still in prerelease mode.

Refer to understand how the prerelease channel can be enabled for AEM as a Cloud/AEM as a Cloud SDK.

The site creation through Site Template will be enabled once the prerelease channel is enabled for the AEM as a Cloud environment/Local SDK.

java -jar aem-sdk-quickstart-2021.11.6019.20211109T172940Z-211000.jar -r prerelease
quick site creation in aem

The latest standard site template can be downloaded from, create the site using this template.

Refer to for more details on importing site templates and creating sites based on the template.

The imported templates are available under /conf/global/site-templates

The relationship between site and site template is managed through context-aware configurations under the site-specific conf folder.

The site content and styles can be changed/authored by content authors and also the templates can be modified if required.

Each site created through the Site template creates its own set of templates under /conf folder

The standard template can be checked out from, the template can be customized by the developer based on the custom requirements.

git clone

The customized site template can be built and imported to AEM as Cloud/Local SDK and sites can be created using the customized template.

To build the template

npm install
npm run build
npm run deploy - to deploy to the local instance, for cloud instances manually import the generated template package under the template root(aem-site-template-standard-{version}.zip)

Change the version number in package.json “version”: “1.1.0” or customize the configurations to create a completely new site template.

The Site theme can be downloaded(one-time initial download) for a specific website now and the theme can be customized by the FE developer.

Select the site root folder, select “Download Theme Sources” under the site panel

Somehow the downloaded theme is not in the expected folder structure, the src folder is missing — looks to be a defect in the latest SDK versions, rearranged the files based on the folder structure in the standard theme

Modify the AEM/Project details to the .env file

# AEM url
# AEM site name
# AEM proxy port

Now the FE developer should be able to apply the theme changes and test the changes by proxying the request to the AEM server — http://localhost:7001/content/sample3/en/home.html?wcmmode=disabled(the page requests are proxied to the AEM server and the local theme CSS and JS are injected into the page). While the FE developer working on the theme changes the content Author can enable the required content changes. Refer to for more details.

The site-specific theme changes can be deployed to the AEM cloud server through Cloud Manager Front End Pipeline, create a new site-specific theme repository in CM, define a deployment pipeline with code option as Front End. The pipeline will deploy the changes to CDN and inject the CSS/JS links to the AEM website.

The FE developer should be able to continuously improve the theme, test the changes locally through the proxy and deploy the theme changes to AEM servers through Front End Cloud Manager Pipeline(somehow no option to upload the theme changes to the local SDK server). Refer to for more details on deploying the theme changes to AEM servers.

In summary, quick site creation is a very good feature to quickly launch landing pages and microsites without much involvement from AEM backend developers. The sites can be quickly created, themed, and launched, also the theme can be continuously improved by the FE developer without much involvement from AEM BE developers.

Currently, the quick site creation template directly points to the Core components, if required pointed to platform level proxy components by customizing the standard site creation template, this will help us to apply some of the platform level common changes across the websites.

Some of my concerns —

Reusability — site-specific templates, reusability is limited.

Maintainability — site-specific templates and FE modules will create more overhead for maintenance.

Note — The Quick Site Creation tool is currently a tech preview. It is made available for testing and evaluation purposes and is not intended for production use unless agreed with Adobe Support.
