Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Business Rule issue while migrating from Oracle SOA Suite 10g to Oracle SOA Suite 11g - Compilation errors with rule facts classes having long qualified package name.

Business Rule issue while migrating from Oracle SOA Suite 10g to Oracle SOA Suite 11g - Compilation errors with rule facts classes having long qualified package name.

If we had used the long qualified package name with rule facts classes (mainly with XML facts)e.g. “com.xxxxxxx.ns._2007._01._25.gcap.eai.ordermanagement” in 10g Business rule ,we will be receiving the below error during the compilation of the composite with the migrated rule in 11g.

[scac] error: location {/ns:composite/ns:import[@location='file:/D:/Albin/EAI/DevCodeBase/11g_Migration/CRM_EAI_code_deploy/code/OrderRequestRule/OrderRequestRule/OrderLineRequestDictionary141008_DecisionService_1.wsdl']}: Load of wsdl "OrderLineRequestDictionary141008_DecisionService_1.wsdl with Message part element undefined in wsdl [file:/D:/Albin/EAI/DevCodeBase/11g_Migration/CRM_EAI_code_deploy/code/OrderRequestRule/OrderRequestRule/OrderLineRequestDictionary141008_DecisionService_1.wsdl] part name = payload type = {}callFunctionStatelessDecision" failed
[scac] error: location {OrderLineRequestDictionary141008}: Rule Dictionary OrderLineRequestDictionary141008 is invalid.
[scac] error: location {OrderLineRequestDictionary141008}: Function OrderLineRequestDictionary141008.Version1_1.OrderLineRequestDictionary141008.OrderLineRequestDictionary141008_DecisionService_1 does not exist in rule dictionary

The rule facts need to be recreated with the shorter package name to overcome this compilation error.

The below are the steps to recreate the rule facts from XSD:

1. Remove all the XML facts - Open the rule dictionary and remove all the facts available.

2. Click on “Create”

3. Click on “Add Source Schema”

4. Select the schema location e.g. “EAI.MSG.OM.201_OrderLineRequestFacts.xsd” and provide the shorter target Package name e.g. “OrderLineRequestDictionary141008”

5. Click “OK” and click “Yes” in the next screen.
6. Select the parent folder (OrderLineRequestDictionary141008) of the Target Classes and Click “Ok”

7. Click “OK”

8. Select Decision Functions and double click on the decision function available e.g. “OrderLineRequestDictionary141008_DecisionService_1”

9. Remove the Inputs and Outputs and recreate the input/output as shown below

10. Click “Ok”
11. Deploy the composite; the compilation issue will be resolved now.

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