Sunday, November 13, 2011

Oracle SOA Suite 11g - Metadata Labels in the MDS Repository

Oracle SOA Suite 11g - Metadata Labels in the MDS Repository:

A metadata label is a means of selecting a particular version of each object from a metadata repository partition. Document versions belonging to a label are not deleted by automatic purging, unless the label is explicitly deleted. In this way, creating a label guarantees that a view of the metadata as it was at the time the label was created remains available until the label is deleted.

You can use a label to view the metadata as it was at the point in time when the label was created. You can use the commands to support logical backup and recovery of an application's metadata contained in the partition.

Labels are supported only in database-based repositories.

The following topics describe how to manage labels:

· Creating Metadata Labels
· Deleting Metadata Labels
· Listing Metadata Labels
· Promoting Metadata Labels

  1. Creating Metadata Labels

To create a label for a particular version of objects in a partition in an MDS Repository, you use the WLST command createMetadataLabel. For example, to create a label named prod1 for the application soa-infra, use the following command:

wls:/offline> connect ()
Please enter your username: weblogic
Please enter your password:
Please enter your server URL [t3://localhost:7001] :t3://soahost:soaport
Connecting to t3://nft-soa-vip1:8004 with userid weblogic...
Successfully connected to managed Server 'SOA1' that belongs to domain 'SOACoreDomain'.
wls:/SOACoreDomain/serverConfig> createMetadataLabel (application='soa-infra', server='SOA1', name='prod1')
Executing operation: createMetadataLabel.
Created metadata label "prod1".
If the application has more than one version, you must use the applicationVersion parameter to specify the version.

  1. Deleting Metadata Labels

To delete a metadata label, you use the WLST command deleteMetadataLabel. For example, to delete a label named prod1 for the application soa-infra use the following command:
deleteMetadataLabel (application='soa-infra', server='SOA1', name='prod1')
If the application has more than one version, you must use the applicationVersion parameter to specify the version.

  1. Listing Metadata Labels

You can list the metadata labels for a particular application. To do so, use the WLST command listMetadataLabel. For example, to list the labels for the application soa-infra, use the following command:
listMetadataLabels(application='soa-infra', server='SOA1')
If the application has more than one version, you must use the applicationVersion parameter to specify the version.

  1. Promoting Metadata Labels

You can promote documents associated with a metadata label so that they are now the last version. That is, you can promote them to the tip. Promote a label if you want to roll back to an earlier version of all of the documents captured by the label.
To promote a label to the tip, use the WLST command promoteMetadataLabel. For example to promote the label prod1, use the following command:
promoteMetadataLabel(application='soa-infra', server='SOA1', name='prod1')
If the application has more than one version, you must use the applicationVersion parameter to specify the version.


  1. how to know the current metadata label name ?

  2. my application has multiple versions. How to give the applicationVersion parameter in createMetadataLabel command ?

    thanks in advance

