Saturday, September 1, 2012

Configuring the Caching of WSDL URLs resolved from OSR registry - Oracle SOA Suite

Configuring the Caching of WSDL URLs resolved from Oracle Service Registry - Oracle SOA Suite

Caching of endpoint WSDL URLs occurs by default during runtime. If an endpoint WSDL URL is resolved using the orauddi protocol, subsequent invocations retrieve the WSDL URLs from cache, and not from OSR. 

We can increase the amount of time that the endpoint WSDL URL is available in cache for inquiry by the service key with the UddiCacheLifetime property. This property invalidates the cache at specified time intervals. The default value is 86400 seconds. The minimum value is 300 seconds.

To configure endpoint caching of WSDL URLs:

  1. From the SOA Infrastructure menu, select Administration > System MBean Browser.
  2. Select Application Defined MBeans > > Server: soa_server1 > SoaInfraConfig > soa-infra > Attributes.
  3. Click the UddiCacheLifetime property on the right side of the page.
  4. Enter a value.
  5. Click Apply.

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