Different approaches for connecting Weblogic Server to RAC database
Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) is a software component you can add to a high-availability solution that enables users on multiple machines to access a single database with increased performance. RAC comprises two or more Oracle database instances running on two or more clustered machines and accessing a shared storage device via cluster technology.
If your application requires load balancing across RAC nodes, WebLogic Server supports this capability through use of Using Connect-Time Load Balancing/Failover with Oracle RAC(JDBC URL based Load Balancing/Failover), JDBC Multi Data sources with Oracle RAC nodes and Gridlink Data Source.
Multi Data Source:
Refer the below URL's for details on Multi Data Source.http://www.albinsblog.com/2012/02/jdbc-multi-data-sources-in-weblogic.html#.U1YNuvmukdQ
Connect-Time Load Balancing/Failover with Oracle RAC(JDBC URL based Load Balancing/Failover):
The JDBC connection string can be configure with single data source to support the load balancing and failover with RAC data source nodes.Create a Generic Data source in weblogic server and provide the JDBC URL as below.Enable and disable the load balancing and failover accordingly.
There are some limitation using this approach like the Global XA transactions are not supported.
Gridlink Data Source:
In Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.4, a single data source implementation has been introduced to support an Oracle RAC cluster. It responds to FAN events to provide Fast Connection Failover (FCF), Runtime Connection Load-Balancing (RCLB), and RAC instance graceful shutdown. XA affinity is supported at the global transaction Id level. The new feature is called WebLogic Active GridLink for RAC; which is implemented as the GridLink data source within WebLogic Server.FastConnection Failover:
A GridLink data source uses Fast Connection Failover to:- Provide rapid failure detection
- Abort and remove invalid connections from the connection pool
- Perform graceful shutdown for planned and unplanned Oracle RAC node outages
- Adapt to changes in topology, such as addingor removing a node
- Distribute runtime work requests to all active Oracle RAC instances, including those rejoining a cluster
Runtime Connection Load Balancing:
GridLink data sources use runtime connection load balancing to distribute connections to Oracle RAC instances based on Oracle FAN events issued by the database.
Runtime Connection Load Balancing allows WebLogic Server to:
- Adjust the distribution of work based on back end node capacities such as CPU, availability, and response time
- React to changes in Oracle RAC topology
- Manage pooled connections for high performance and scalability
XA affinity:
XA affinity is a performance feature that ensures that all database operations performed on a RAC cluster within the context of a global transaction are directed to the same RAC instance. Affinity will be established based on the global transaction id, instead of by individual data source, to ensure that connections obtained from different data sources that are configured for the same RAC cluster are all associated with the same RAC instance
Refer the following URL to create the Gridlink datasource through WLST script.
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